Root Canal Myths VS Fact
The best way to understand what an endodontist does is to think of them as “Tooth Saving Specialists.” You might be interested to learn that all endodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are endodontists. This is most likely due to the fact that an endodontist completes an extra 2-3 years of schooling, honing their tooth rescuing skills and learning how to perform more complex procedures.
Our first priority is always to save your natural teeth! Dental implants can be very expensive, and often unnecessary if a cracked or infected tooth can be saved. Read on to learn about some of the surrounding root canal treatment.
Myth: Getting a root canal can cause other illnesses.
Truth: A collection of studies conducted by a man known as Dr. Price in the 1920s attempted to correlate the root canal procedure with diseases. His results have since been found lacking control groups and introducing confusing the presence with bacteria in one’s mouth with the threat of infection and all have since been disproven by new, more advanced studies.
Myth: Getting a root canal is a painful procedure.
Truth: Root canal treatment can be a virtually pain-free procedure, and is actually directed at relieving pain caused by inflammation or what is commonly known as a toothache.
Myth: Pulling the tooth is a better option.
Truth: The truth is that life with missing teeth isn’t as glamourous as one opting into this method might be lead to believe. There is nothing better than your natural teeth for your oral health!
There are somewhere around 178 million people in the US missing at least one tooth, and about 35 million people in the US who don’t have any teeth at all! We want to help you keep all your teeth, and knowing the truth can set your worries free and help you to finally relax about scheduling an appointment with [PRACTICE_NAME].